Sunday, May 31, 2009

SUNDAY SUNDAY !!! i sleep till noon den i am awake , becoming more and more pig , wanted to go find yun for her green tea yougurt ice cream . buden i was realli veri lazy to change bus and train there . sorri yunie ~ i will make up for u soon okie . (= bathe and went tuh hougang mall wib bf , took bedsheet to wash and went tuh repair moi heels as bf want to alter his new pants too . had our lunch , walked around de mall while waiting for moi heels , went tuh watson and get all moi make ups , got the $5 dollars voucher , damn happy luh . bf told mi like this jiu happy liao . den i tell him DUH , u dunnno de la . haha . we went library i realli wanna borrow books , bf keep asking mi go because everyone was looking at his angkong , lol . he will ps de lei . funny lo . choose moi book went tuh de machine to borrow it , and den i realise moi sister still owe fines luh . arggh ~ so put baq all de books lor . sian . went tuh collect moi shoe and cab baq home luh , met up kelly at tampines , 7pm ! i sleep throughout de whole journey , i dunno y so tired . sorrie had tuh let u wait for mi . LASTLY , baobei and min will be having their exam tmr . wish them good luck luh . hope u all will turn up on pui bdae , tats te day we will meet up together lo . (= miss ya

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