Sunday, May 10, 2009

went tuh dressing this afternoon , hope it will be de last one i am attending , as i can walk normally not like pai kah anymore . haha . this time round it is not pain anymore . i am so glad . the nurse dint banadge my wound anymore , as it alreadi dry . except fer 1 wound , it is still bleeding , so no choice lo . have tuh bandage that one . which means i have to come fer dessing 1 more time . well well , bf is banadging his wound , complaining to mi that the nurse dun wan let him open up his banadge . LOL ~

baq to work as usual , took bus to work today , since so long i dint take bus to work alreadi , in deed it was a long journey , i have tuh wake up at 8.30am to take bus. when bf fetch mi to work i can wake up at 10am. so big diff lor , damn lazy buden no choice ... bf still cant collect his bike . bf say he misses his bike . hahaha a . tmr will be my brother bdae and he is sitting fer his 1st PSLE paper .

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