Saturday, May 2, 2009

AWWWWW ~ woke up in the afternoon , 2pm was qiqi appointment fer her first time full grooming session !! Happily cab down to kenkingston park pets lovers wib rena , qiqi was shivering when she reach there , buden after awhile she did enjoy herself there la . haha . took bus down wib moi sis to meet moi youngest sis . we are going to bugis . rena is going to buy her scandles , we went tuh blossom too . bought a dress and rena bought herself her coat as her course need her to wear formal clothes . lol . hmmm . baq to kenkinston park at 6 plus pm , went tuh collect qiqi buden she is not ready fer collection so we went tuh eat chicken wings at chomp chomp . YUMMY !!!! haha . when we went baq to the pet shop we saw qiqi , she became like this . ))=

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