Sunday, May 31, 2009

SUNDAY SUNDAY !!! i sleep till noon den i am awake , becoming more and more pig , wanted to go find yun for her green tea yougurt ice cream . buden i was realli veri lazy to change bus and train there . sorri yunie ~ i will make up for u soon okie . (= bathe and went tuh hougang mall wib bf , took bedsheet to wash and went tuh repair moi heels as bf want to alter his new pants too . had our lunch , walked around de mall while waiting for moi heels , went tuh watson and get all moi make ups , got the $5 dollars voucher , damn happy luh . bf told mi like this jiu happy liao . den i tell him DUH , u dunnno de la . haha . we went library i realli wanna borrow books , bf keep asking mi go because everyone was looking at his angkong , lol . he will ps de lei . funny lo . choose moi book went tuh de machine to borrow it , and den i realise moi sister still owe fines luh . arggh ~ so put baq all de books lor . sian . went tuh collect moi shoe and cab baq home luh , met up kelly at tampines , 7pm ! i sleep throughout de whole journey , i dunno y so tired . sorrie had tuh let u wait for mi . LASTLY , baobei and min will be having their exam tmr . wish them good luck luh . hope u all will turn up on pui bdae , tats te day we will meet up together lo . (= miss ya

Saturday, May 30, 2009

i am so sick and tired alreadi . y everyday day and night u muz play game , at home dota den outside jiu play KOF . i am dying soon i tell u . ask u come bring mi say u not free or tired la hor . farker sia . i say till i lazy say liao , kee quiet jiu hao . u still dun wan change , 1 day i will say bye bye to u . qi si wo liao . ><
wanted to meet pui & co tuh boat quay buden i am tired leis . met up bf , min , xiaoboi , jiahui and gf . they bought ticket at 7pm for the movie terminator , oh my god !bf never say earlier de lor , the timing so rush , assshole ! reach there at 6.40pm ? we still got 20 mins to have our dinner , dats not the worst , LOL . min left home at 6.45pm , bike from serangoon to cine in 15 mins . heng , u neber late , if not kik ur butt . (= bought our drinks and went tuh the cinema , can say dat the whole theatre is full luh . for mi i would onli rate de movie 3/5 stars ba . i dun like de ending . haa . ger was at orchard wib rebecca , she ask mi call her after movie , i thought i would be able to meet them after movie , i called her after moi movie and she was at IMM , lol . so far can ?! slack outside cine was thinking of going wher as it was still earli , xiaoboi they all suggested to go ps . funny thing is tat , they both got bike and bf got no bike , so mi and bf took bus there lor , no choice . they went kof again , i went tuh find min , she happen to c her ite mate outside arcade , so we stand there talk and talk till de 2 ass finish playing their game , reaching 11pm , called pui she was at penisula wib pw and friends buden they will be going boat quay later, buden moi mind 50% wanna go home 50% wanna go boat quay , ask bf to make up moi mind , he said u wanna go den jiu go , dun wan go den we jiu go home , we took de cab and de cab turn 1 big round cause i dun wan go boat quay liao , so went home instead . sleep at 12plus am lei , wah lao , moi weekend jiu ze yang bo ke liao . sian .

Thursday, May 28, 2009

f f f f f la ~ bf dun allow mi work at pub again , sian lo , now hab to pang seh dandan alone go . shyt man ! no more extra income no more extra $$$ . hope this sat after meeting min and baobei still got time go boat quay find dandan and pui lo . awwww ~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

weets . moi boss bought a desktop for mi , and it is at the counter now . haha . i can play viawawa and update moi blog alreadi . this few days sleep veri earli , bf sleep ib mi this few days at 10 plus in the night too . this weekend probably will be meeting wawa and min ba . hope will c them soon luh , happen to c baobei blog , they were having volleyball competition with other ite . hope they will win their competition luh .

Sunday, May 24, 2009

reach home at 6plus am in de morning after drinking at conspiracy wib pui , pw and forget another person name la . knew 1 of the waitress dere from pui . friendly and pretty . haha . we will make pui drunk on her bdae la . cant get to sleep till 8 plus am and woke up at 11 plus am . was suppose tuh meet kelly after her wok but ended up i fall asleep till 7pm in de night , received her msg , i know how feel . dun think so much le ok . he dun love u i love u . haha . x= next week den pei ni go buy ur adidas jacket ok . wait patiently first ah .
today after work , bf suppose tuh come and fetch mi , he said he will and ended up he neber . f him ! i sure know he everytime say for fun nia . he went bugis play game wib his brother , ended up min and him quarrel . den mi and bf quarrel , stupid la hor . everyday play play play , say till i die like u oso wont listen sia . say hao , going go watch movie together wib wawa and min and all bfs , den ended up call baobei no ans , min no mood go den i alone when home la . and dear sleep at 9pm in de night and today is SAT , and i got no work tmr alrights ... >< told bf i will be going tuh boat quay tuh meet ppui and pw and friends . thank you pui and pw . i enjoy moiself tat day . hope i will be able to meet u this coming week end and have our martel again ? hehe . pui eh , i will turn up ur bdae no matter what la . haha . c u soon alrights ~
Today baoyun went tuh be xiaoniu portfolio model , haha . mei mei la hor . neber get tuh c ur pic , next time bring out show mi ok . i want c xiaoniu skill , next time marry can ask her be moi makeup artist . LOL . rmr hor , moi green tea yogurt ice cream , u say u will bring gib mi when u come baq to hougang , and i am waiting . (=
Kelly Neo , This weekend u wan come boat quay wib priscilla ? maybe we can go find jinping too . dun stay at home and think so much . muz come out enjoy first . (= we are still young ohh .
Thanks jm and jh for ur entertainment . xie xie ni men oh .

Saturday, May 23, 2009

heheh . broy came to moi hse wib his friend , and he bought qiqi go walk walk , ended up qiqi went tuh eat alot of ants . and now moi mama keep saying there is alot of ants at our hse crawling. LOL ~ bad bad . i am going out later , heheheheheh . i wan go boat quay meet ahpui . (=
awww~ i am so tired . i ytd hac moi OT till 12am . aunty send us home and reach home at 12.30am ? and i know dat i am freaking uncomfortable . so gao wei ~ hai . at dat point of time i onli know dat i regret not drinking lots of water . LOL . so from today onwards i muz drink lots and lots of water . i am in office alone . packing de 30pcs of acrylic plaque . and de customer like it alot . haha . dat pays off the effort la . $2000/- plus for 30 pcs of acrylic ? like so wasted . buden oso good like dat i got lots of commission lots of $$$$ . ((= dats wad i am working so hard for !!!!! will be meeting baobei min and bf they all at amk hub . think we going slack there again ? we wll play hangman at k-pool okie ? haa

Friday, May 22, 2009

sian sians sian . now is 9.30pm and i am still inside office . hai . i am going to hab ot maybe till 11am or maybe later den dat . arggh ~ aunty bought mi rice , haha . thank you thank you . they scare mi hungry nothing eat . lol . recently i took cab and i am realli scared of taking cab alreadi . ytd i took cab from bukitbatok to yishun , and from yishun to ubi , den from ubi go baq yishun !! still haben finish , after dat morning before work from hougang take till ubi , and from ubi take go cck , LASTLY from cck take baq queensway . and all de cab fare add together is $113.90 . and de duration is fucking damn long . dayuan ! next time is ur time tuh do delivery , i will get cab sick . hahahaha . i wanna go clubbing sia , buden no one can pei mi go . hai . seriously , i am missing you (=

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hiaks hiaks ~ finish work at 7pm wanted to meet kelly as she wan go club or pub , called dat jared and his friend oso la . neber pick up fone . den ended up where also neber go , kelly went to drink wib her friend i was at home sleeping , and tat one sleep even earlier den mi . lol

Monday, May 18, 2009

lalalala ! i got this thing from jared . haha . if its pink in color will be better . lol . i cant stick it on moi psp la . because there is no sticker behind de thing .

Thursday, May 14, 2009

lalalalalas ! counting down from 300 pcs of acrylic dat we are engraving for NTUC . We need to hand in all the acrylic by tmr . and we still left more than half to be complete . die die . haha . dayuan going to stay baq and ot again . sians . 3 more weeks will be meeting wawa & co celebrate ah pui bdae . hehheh ~ dat day faster come , i wanna go clubbing wib all of you , every single one of you . haha . lastly i miss baoyun shop de green tea ice cream , she say she will buy for mi when she come baq to hougang. HURRY UP come baq , dun always stick at ur bf hse . wo hen sian de . come baq meet mi and wawa they all , we go hg plaza slack like we used to be . i wan go play soccer wib u all , i wan go shake shake wib u all , i wan sing k wib u all , i wan gossip wib u all !!! HAHAHAHAHA ~

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i am so so so bored . i cant play viwawa in office now . so sad . kenny friend came to by plaque for their sir . lol . and i donated my last 2 bucks to a donation person jus now . now moi wallet got no more money . i am veri lazy to go withdraw money .

Monday, May 11, 2009

ended work at 7pm sharp wanna rush home zong yi go live buden ended up met bf tuh clementi to uncle lim house . his dog because so fat!!! omg ! he jump on mi and i took long time to carry him , and dat bf dun even bother to help mi carry goofy . argh . so jus throw him to the sofa , lol . too heavy cannot tahan . after dat train down to amk hub to meet baobei and min and their bfs . was xiaoboy bdae eve so sort of celebrate his bdae , went to catch the last movie at 12.20am . and we watch STAR TREK . weets ~ i am tired buden i watched wit my eyes open big big , lol . is nice and is seriously very nice and wib some funny parts . and baobei beside mi simply falls asleep in her bf arms . lol . after movie all cab baq home . tmr going celebrate xiaoboi actual bdae luh . update photos once i am baq . haha .

Sunday, May 10, 2009

lalala . i am going tuh bathe now . lol
met up wib ger jus now , took bus all de way to suntec and i reach there before she does . lol . as her hubby is driving here dere . haha . slowpoke x= went tuh hab our lunch at marina square , nice nice , guess i am too hungry dats y nice luh . haha , ger went tuh wrap her fone , was expensive but de results is damn nice , because got all those bling bling de diamond , 1 small diamond = $1 . after dat went tuh charles and keith , we were both hoping to find shoes dat we like buden ended didnt realli got shoes dat caught our eyes . sad lo . i got no more heels to wear , i wan more heels luh . arggh !!
went tuh dressing this afternoon , hope it will be de last one i am attending , as i can walk normally not like pai kah anymore . haha . this time round it is not pain anymore . i am so glad . the nurse dint banadge my wound anymore , as it alreadi dry . except fer 1 wound , it is still bleeding , so no choice lo . have tuh bandage that one . which means i have to come fer dessing 1 more time . well well , bf is banadging his wound , complaining to mi that the nurse dun wan let him open up his banadge . LOL ~

baq to work as usual , took bus to work today , since so long i dint take bus to work alreadi , in deed it was a long journey , i have tuh wake up at 8.30am to take bus. when bf fetch mi to work i can wake up at 10am. so big diff lor , damn lazy buden no choice ... bf still cant collect his bike . bf say he misses his bike . hahaha a . tmr will be my brother bdae and he is sitting fer his 1st PSLE paper .

went tuh dressing this afternoon , hope it will be de last one i am attending , as i can walk normally not like pai kah anymore . haha . this time round it is not pain anymore . i am so glad . the nurse dint banadge my wound anymore , as it alreadi dry . except fer 1 wound , it is still bleeding , so no choice lo . have tuh bandage that one . which means i have to come fer dessing 1 more time . well well , bf is banadging his wound , complaining to mi that the nurse dun wan let him open up his banadge . LOL ~


baq to work as usual , took bus to work today , since so long i dint take bus to work alreadi , in deed it was a long journey , i have tuh wake up at 8.30am to take bus. when bf fetch mi to work i can wake up at 10am. so big diff lor , damn lazy buden no choice ... bf still cant collect his bike . bf say he misses his bike . hahaha a . tmr will be my brother bdae and he is sitting fer his 1st PSLE paper .

Saturday, May 9, 2009

lalalala !! i am a happy ger . yeah yeah !! onli kelly knows , huimin knows and baobei knows . haha . met up wib min and baobei at amk . went tuh eat at s11 den went tuh k-pool tuh find our 3 bf . haha . we played pool buden de most happening part is when we were playing hangman . lol . we will be playing dat game whenever we are at amk k-pool . hee . bought mac fer supper , ended up get 2 meals fer de price of 1 . lol . share the meals wib baobei and bf , was 2am plus when we reach home . was damn damn damn tired . buden i stil dun bear to slp . i am addicted to DS . min dl fer mi de games . haha . i got new games to play again . oh ya , today is bf and xiaoboy mum's bdae . didnt get to celebrate her bdae , therefore wish her happy bdae here lo . (=

Saturday, May 2, 2009

AWWWWW ~ woke up in the afternoon , 2pm was qiqi appointment fer her first time full grooming session !! Happily cab down to kenkingston park pets lovers wib rena , qiqi was shivering when she reach there , buden after awhile she did enjoy herself there la . haha . took bus down wib moi sis to meet moi youngest sis . we are going to bugis . rena is going to buy her scandles , we went tuh blossom too . bought a dress and rena bought herself her coat as her course need her to wear formal clothes . lol . hmmm . baq to kenkinston park at 6 plus pm , went tuh collect qiqi buden she is not ready fer collection so we went tuh eat chicken wings at chomp chomp . YUMMY !!!! haha . when we went baq to the pet shop we saw qiqi , she became like this . ))=