Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i finally got the time to put my mask .

He will bite anything that is in his hands. xD

ok baobei . my blog will not die . haha . i am so busy wib work, wib sf baby, wib hubby, wib family, wib facebook . mummy went for check up ytd, result is gonna have a small operation on next friday, wonder if i could take leave or not. if not baby nobody takecaire. now i realise how sf feel when baby keep crying all times because we do not know what he wants, my dad laugh at mi, say baby cry u so gan jiong, because i throw the baby give dad carry, i want tuh go make milk, and the problem is i dunno how much milk powder i need tuh put. when mummy home i asked her and i managed tuh give baby the correct amt of milk. yeah yeah ! wib sf baby i guess i might be a skillful mummy next time . hahaha . woke up at 7plus this morning. mum went da sao ask mi look after baby, buden he is sleeping luh, so i went back tuh sleep. I jumped up the bed when he cry. Bf went tuh mum room, carry him put him at our bed. There he goes, simply grab my mickey and bite his ears, nose, hand and leg. I realised he love mickey more den minnie . He always always grab mickey . LOL .

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