Thursday, July 30, 2009

he loves tuh bite his ears, nose, hands and legs . C how happy he is . =)

i thought of 1 thing suddenly, i will make a album of tian le and give it to suifeng. So next time tian le will know how cute he is when he is a baby. =D and this little boy loves tuh bathe. when he is bathing he will laugh and smile so happily. will snapshot and show to everyone. haha. Bf plays with him everyday, swing him to sleep. Hope i will have my own baby soon soon soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ahhh hahaha ~ we got 1 mont blanc cust . kelly once told mi that mont blanc pen is veri expensive. i dunno how expensive it is luh , buden just now i took a look and i use awhile , it look like a veri normal ball point pen luh , is just dat got their logo on top of it . and now we got to engrave 52 pens of theirs , and 1 is spoilt . buden i am not the one who engrave spoil . haha .

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i am so so so lazy tuh update my blog luh . sunday was suppose tuh meet pui buden she say she was too tired to meet mi . min and xiaoboi quarrel again le , buden they are soon ok . met up min and xiao boi at bugis , went tuh buy my belt , got 3 different design , min did her job to gib me suggestion on which design to get . LOL . went tuh bhg met up wib min aunt after dat went baq to flexor cause his cousin wanna buy pants . bf acc mi go trim my eyebrow , de person trim my eyebrow and she dun hav eyebrow pencil to draw baq for mi , buden nbm luh , i be good person so i told her is ok luh , bf told mi dun draw oso nice because he want mi to stop wasting money and buy all those make up stuff . so bad ! was craving for durian dunno since when . shyt man ! lastly lastly i get to eat my green tea icecream at the japanese ice cream shop . i want tell baoyun , i know she will read my blog , x= her shop greentea icecream is de best ! better den anywhere . serious luh . =D

baby told mi he will think of wad to name our baby. and i smiled at him .
baby told mi he will bring mi to genting wib his brother , min , wawa and yang ! and i say "YES"
baby told mi he will buy mi lv neverfull once he got job , and i say i wan mitsubishi lancer

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i finally got the time to put my mask .

He will bite anything that is in his hands. xD

ok baobei . my blog will not die . haha . i am so busy wib work, wib sf baby, wib hubby, wib family, wib facebook . mummy went for check up ytd, result is gonna have a small operation on next friday, wonder if i could take leave or not. if not baby nobody takecaire. now i realise how sf feel when baby keep crying all times because we do not know what he wants, my dad laugh at mi, say baby cry u so gan jiong, because i throw the baby give dad carry, i want tuh go make milk, and the problem is i dunno how much milk powder i need tuh put. when mummy home i asked her and i managed tuh give baby the correct amt of milk. yeah yeah ! wib sf baby i guess i might be a skillful mummy next time . hahaha . woke up at 7plus this morning. mum went da sao ask mi look after baby, buden he is sleeping luh, so i went back tuh sleep. I jumped up the bed when he cry. Bf went tuh mum room, carry him put him at our bed. There he goes, simply grab my mickey and bite his ears, nose, hand and leg. I realised he love mickey more den minnie . He always always grab mickey . LOL .