Saturday, September 20, 2008

shopping shopping . loves x33

yeah yeah . gai gai time ! went out wib baby and xiao boi . lol . THEY WANNA GO PLAY KOF . ARRGH ~ PUT MI ALONE . AND I CANT PLAY CAUSE ALL SHO PRO . )= was waiting fer kelly tuh come meet wo and go shopping . lol . we went bugis last weekend and this weekend again bugis . bo bian lo . singapore jiu shi so small . haha . went tuh walk around at de mall . wanted tuh buy more office wear and heels buden nothing caught moi eyes , and she ish like complaining , lol . dun even know wad i wan . haa . went tuh street find da hua slack at her shop . sho warm lorhs . hmmm . went tuh get prata susagge wib egg . and tat was ger dinner . lol . on diet horhs . walk around de street . both of us onli got a dress . buden different design . like it sho much lo . haha . waited fer be tuh come find mi and go geylang . buden end up neber go . lol . went tuh kovan had moi pool and bowling session wib moi sis and cousins . lol . laughing all de way man . diao lo . play our pool till 12 plus . went tuh had our supper at de hongkong 24hr cafe at heartland mall . de atsmoshere ish nice buden de food really taste bad . yucks . wont go dere fer a second time . lol . i had a cheesy baked rice wib chicken chop . rena had her chicken chop spegatti and vera had her sandwhich and leon had a mango ice . lol . all cant finish except vera and rena . haha . after eating went baq tuh have our bowling session . i got de last . i dunno how to play at all . sho pai sei lo . ended our session at abt 3am ?? was feeling realli tired man !!

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