Friday, September 26, 2008

lalalas . weets . finally gets tuh meet baobei lerhs . haa . baoyun jio go down canto . baby agreed tuh let mi go too . was happily on moi way tuh go meet baobei and yun , as dandan was coming down afterwards to meet us too . hmmm . misses them lots . sho long neber meet them lerhs . hmmm . today was f1 rehearsal runs . exciting man . while on moi way tuh boat quay can hear de fl racing cars sound , cool man . make mi feel like going tuh watch de run . awww . but de tickets ish sho ex . cant bear to waste this kind of money . lol . met up wib them head to canto . sang a few songs , our favourites song barhs . (= haha . they hab their beer i hab moi iced plain water . went home at 12 plus . baby was upset , claimed he dun wan mi to ne there so i leave moi sisters there , sorrie yea . hope u all enjoys ur dancing and swaying . mwarks

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