Sunday, September 28, 2008

met up kelly to go citi plaza . lol . a obiang place . buden she say dere ish alot of nice stuffs dere , cabbed dere , met up wib her . walk around de mall get a straight cut skirt and she got a dress . love de skirt alot lo . lol . was thinking of going geylang and find be buden went tuh fareast instead . saw last time bugis de friend . she changed job . haa . went tuh her shop bought a black sleeve tops . and de clothes there ish much more nicer den reds . somemore ish alot more cheaper lo . sho i muz go dere buy more office tops . (= hmmm . moi motive ish to go dere get lots of heels and up i got all de tops and no heels at all . went tuh huiting shop , slack wib her awhile , went tuh wisma walk around , was thing of buying panty . buden like sho silly . haha . ger say she wanted to wrap her fone sho we walk to taka , lol . reached there and choose de design buden suay suay dun hab dat design anymore . lol . no choice lorhs . hab tuh book and come back again next time . saw alot of mickey mouse shedules books . buden ish sho ex lorhs . ger finally got her wallet as she alreadi nags de whole day say she wanted a new wallet , got a burberry new design wallet . lol . song liao bo ? she went tuh find her hubby and i cab home . was realli tired lerhs . yawn yawn .

Saturday, September 27, 2008

wake up late in de afternoon in baby arms , hmmm . was thinking of going where to shop . but i hab alreadi had a place in moi mind . and that ish bugis , because i miss de roti prata susagge . lol . dat time dint get tuh eat . sho today i am planning to hab one . haha . wash up and make up went tuh bugis met up wib xiaoboi . they hab their kof session again . called up baobei ask her to meet go kbox . lol . as last time didnt get to go . after dat went marina square for a walk . and dat place ish damn crowded wib alot of ppl can ? cause of dat f1 . lol . did get tuh c de fl , woooo ~ de sound of those racing car ish sho damn damn loud man . u will be deaf if u are staying dere long . haha . baby went tuh work went tuh meet baobei . walk a long cut to de train station . hmmm . sho irritaing lorhs . sweat sweat sweat . !! ewww ~ i am smelly . haha . i was late and baobei was standing dere waiting fer mi . sorrie oh . went straight tuh kbox , was sho hungry lorhs . and de buffef onli starts at 2am ... and de buffef ish all dim sum . arggh . sadd . was hoping tuh eat curry chicken derhs lo . baobei wrote feedback form to them . lol . overall ish 3/5 stars fer de food . hmmm . cabbed home 6am in de morning . was sho damn tired can . arggh .

Friday, September 26, 2008

lalalas . weets . finally gets tuh meet baobei lerhs . haa . baoyun jio go down canto . baby agreed tuh let mi go too . was happily on moi way tuh go meet baobei and yun , as dandan was coming down afterwards to meet us too . hmmm . misses them lots . sho long neber meet them lerhs . hmmm . today was f1 rehearsal runs . exciting man . while on moi way tuh boat quay can hear de fl racing cars sound , cool man . make mi feel like going tuh watch de run . awww . but de tickets ish sho ex . cant bear to waste this kind of money . lol . met up wib them head to canto . sang a few songs , our favourites song barhs . (= haha . they hab their beer i hab moi iced plain water . went home at 12 plus . baby was upset , claimed he dun wan mi to ne there so i leave moi sisters there , sorrie yea . hope u all enjoys ur dancing and swaying . mwarks

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

work work work

busy working during weekdays busy go out during weekends . lol . no time update blog . hmmm . lets have a summary . lol . went tuh bugis tuh get moi sister bdae present , walk around alone de mall while waiting fer be . he end his work earli and come pei mi so happy . dat kelly last min sick cant come bugis . hmpx !!! went tuh da jin shop saw a bag , quite nice . might consider giving it to moi sis . be reach le . had our dinner . went tuh street . is sho sho warm lo . after all de walking still thining of de bag i saw in da jin shop sho went baq tuh get it . arter dat went tuh walk around till min finish work wait fer xiao boi to come , he took such a long time to come , lol . mi , be and min queue at de taxi stands 3 repeated times . lol . at de third time he finally reached . reach home cut moi sis bdae cake was feeling sho tired , baby went tuh geylang tuh find friend . in de end come baq cause i neber ans is fone he thought wad happen tuh mi . lol . baby no worry . i am jus tired sho fall asleep . lol . u reach home i oso didnt realise till u hug mi . sorrie baby . and happie bdae moi mei . (= this year u hab ur 4 bdae cakes . lol

Sunday, September 21, 2008

i am soooo xinfu .!!!!

lalalalas . baby i love u deep deep in moi heart . (= jio baby go play bowling . suprised dat he agreed lo . haha . was thinking of going tuh marina square and vivocity . be call up xiaoboi was supposed tuh go bowling session along buden last min xiaoboi cant make it . no choice lo . go ourselves . haha . went tuh vivocity .walk around , baby ask mi tuh buy more office wear buden again neber c any i like derhs . baby bring mi tuh sit de monorail which go tuh sentosa derhs . lol . ish sho fun lo . lol . reach sentosa . we landed at sentosa . which we neber tought of coming here at all . went tuh sit choo choo train . even be oso say nice to sit lorhs . went tuh had de skyride and de luge ? lol . ish sho damn high man , omg . i hardly can open moi eyes to c de senery lorhs . lol . be hugged mi till sho tight buden he did tell mi he ish scared too . lol . finally reach de other end went tuh had our luge ride . lol . ish sho fun can . i'm loving it !! i want tuh play somemore . buden be say ish late le tmr still got work . hmmm . buden he promised tuh bring mi go sentosa and get a full package which cost $70 per person buden limited entries tuh all attraction . hehe . i love eu so so much (=

Saturday, September 20, 2008

shopping shopping . loves x33

yeah yeah . gai gai time ! went out wib baby and xiao boi . lol . THEY WANNA GO PLAY KOF . ARRGH ~ PUT MI ALONE . AND I CANT PLAY CAUSE ALL SHO PRO . )= was waiting fer kelly tuh come meet wo and go shopping . lol . we went bugis last weekend and this weekend again bugis . bo bian lo . singapore jiu shi so small . haha . went tuh walk around at de mall . wanted tuh buy more office wear and heels buden nothing caught moi eyes , and she ish like complaining , lol . dun even know wad i wan . haa . went tuh street find da hua slack at her shop . sho warm lorhs . hmmm . went tuh get prata susagge wib egg . and tat was ger dinner . lol . on diet horhs . walk around de street . both of us onli got a dress . buden different design . like it sho much lo . haha . waited fer be tuh come find mi and go geylang . buden end up neber go . lol . went tuh kovan had moi pool and bowling session wib moi sis and cousins . lol . laughing all de way man . diao lo . play our pool till 12 plus . went tuh had our supper at de hongkong 24hr cafe at heartland mall . de atsmoshere ish nice buden de food really taste bad . yucks . wont go dere fer a second time . lol . i had a cheesy baked rice wib chicken chop . rena had her chicken chop spegatti and vera had her sandwhich and leon had a mango ice . lol . all cant finish except vera and rena . haha . after eating went baq tuh have our bowling session . i got de last . i dunno how to play at all . sho pai sei lo . ended our session at abt 3am ?? was feeling realli tired man !!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

baobei angry liaos . ><

went tuh ps today wib be walk around de mall went tuh daiso bought some tibits , lol . happen to c xiao xin favourite biscuits chocolate biscuits . lol . its cute lo . waited fer moi dad cor to go to geylang fer buffef as his friend invited moi dad . den moi dad ask be along and i jus tag along . lol . de food doe not taste as good lor . not up to standard . lol . and ish raining sho damn heavily can ? moi sprite became rain water instead . haa . went baq to be shop and find him while waiting fer baobei and pui to come and meet mi . cab down tuh bugis and met up wib pui went tuh min shop . along de way gossip alot wib bugis aunties and friends , lol . while waiting fer baobei to come went tuh shop fer pui white tube . hmmm . after dat went tuh had dinner wib her and went tuh arcade fer our touch screen game . was feel tired throughout waiting fer baobei . lol . dat cause her angriness . cause i neber turn up at cine and pui oso did not . hmmm . cant cor u this few days baobei , wait tillu cool down first barhs . lol . heard from pui u all going zouk this wed celebrating ur sis bdae . enjoy yea . (=

Saturday, September 6, 2008

congrats GER and JOSHUA !! (=

firstly . happie birthday tuh baoyun . (= though didnt get tuh celebrate ur bday wib u buden hope u will still enjoy ur bday oh . and hope u will last long wib him . woke up 5 plus in de evening , was supposed tuh catch a movie wib be derhs . end up sleep till sho late . wake up prepare and went tuh kelly's wedding . reach dere around 8 , cause of de traffic jam lorhs . met up da hua and clementi at de lobby . went upstairs . saw kelly , lol . sho pretty can ? chit chat wib her . posed ourself fer de photographer . lol . sho happy lo . went in de ballroom after passing her angbao . went tuh our seat . saw wee and yin lun ? sitting at de same table too . haha . play alot , talk alot of rubbish too . finally ish time fer kelly and ah hua to walk down de red carpet . ish sho sweet lo . after cutting de wedding cake dinner ish finally served as we are sho hungry and we are de first tuh finish our first dish . lol . second dish sharkfins . pengs lorhs . all like hungry ghost sia . after second dish all went tuh smoke , left mi , zhi xiang , wei xiang and yin lun . lol . they take de whole plate chicken go keep lor . lol . de aunty at dere serving us oso keep laughing lor . haha . time fer yum seng . all sister brothers , clementi brothers all up okie ? lol . de champane not nice de lo . lol .vincent thirsty dao drink finish liao . lol . went baq tuh hab our dinner . around 10 plus mi and be left . he went tuh work i went uh moi family chalet . ish boring can ? lol . buden xander and xavier ish sho entertainin . lol . sho cute man .

Friday, September 5, 2008

qi si ren liao . baby went tuh sotong chalet and going to wild wild wet , and den i cant go . cause all ish guy if i go oso cant go down water . so irritating . so he ask mi evening den go down . den after dat again say dunno wad again make till i dun wanna go anymore . went tuh prepare go meet baobei at her workplace . planning tuh go take fer de lion dance competiton . left her workplacr at abt 7 plus . meet priscilla at town area . reach dere buden cant get tuh c anything oso . sho damn boring lorhs . wanted tuh go buy mooncakes buden seems tuh late oso liao . lol , competition ended around 10 . decided tuh go lucky plaza tuh play pool buden like too late le . baobei meeting her bf den so drop of de idea lo . went tuh far east plaza tabao kfc den went tuh wait fer cab . waited sho long fer de cab as baobei de movie will start at 11.30 lo . ended up on call cab . afterall she ish still late fer her movie . lol . sorrie oh baobei . buden ish okie na . anyway u did comment de movie ish sho lousy . haha . heng i did not watch it . if not i will cry .