Saturday, August 30, 2008

nanananananana ((=

weets ~ went tuh compass point wib moi mum . went tuh singtel tuh change de ownership of home telephone line . hmmm . de queue ish sho damn long can ? arggh . waited fer de queue alone . tok to baobei and baoyun in conference . ish time fer baoyun tuh step in a last long and serious relationship le barhs . hope u will think fer ur future yea ? went tuh meet baby at geylang cab dere tombang moi mum home first . meet be went tuh bugis fer steamboat , lol . xiaoboi came along too . eat quite a long time today wor . haha . buden be eat half went baq tuh geylang . left mi and xiaoboi ? wierd lorhs . after eating went tuh bugis st tuh find min . saw clementi wib da hua . haha . discussing abt kelly wedding ? wad tuh wear waad time go . haha . waited fer min tuh finish work den cab back home together . meet be at bugis taxi stand again lo . sound stupid man . baby . this msg ish fer u . i am realli touched of wad u did this whole week without letting ni know . i am realli sho happie buden i realli dun wan u everything oso because of mi lor . hai . u dote mi more den anyone else . i realli love u so much lor .

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