Tuesday, August 12, 2008

finally ...

pick ups call from recruit express . time to go fer interview liao . cannot lazy anymore . haa . have an interview at 2pm with consultant, jonathan den after dat another wib consultant, serene . at ngee an city . reach dere earli sho went tuh walk around at wisma . went tuh bebe was thinking of buying a t-shirt like de design wait till i go wib be and ask fer his opinion barhs . haa . magazine ... hehe . vivi magazine come out new de liao . lol ., went tuh get de magazine and went straight up tuh de 21st floor . hmmm . had moi interview . good new . i got sho many jobs tuh choose . lucky lucky . be came tuh meet his friend and mi at taka . den went tuh paragon prada tuh look fer sling bag his friend wanted to buy . buden de design ish sho oldish . went tuh took de car . drive off tuh bugis lo . went there to walk around . nothing to buy and ish sho warm . arggh . be ish having fever , omg !! almost 4pm . his friend drive us baq tuh geylang . went baq to open shop . bo lang bo lang . and internet ish down cant blog cant viwawa . so damn bored . hab moi gui chap and nap dere till 9pm wib be . both sleeping like hell . lol . oso dunno got ppl press bell or not . x= waiting fer de zhi ziang come over take shift . eveey time late late . arggh . i am longing tuh go home liao . lalala . cant get tuh go home again . taoyan taoyan . go lor 15 to 19 oso muz drive car . sho funny . went dere to play play , buden they are not open . diao diao . take cab home . be ur temperature ish 38.4 le oh . i love eu .

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