Thursday, March 12, 2009

went tuh ps wib moi sis in de afternoon , hmmm . actually i hab tuh go fer interview at 2pm , i dunno y bf dun wan tuh let mi go . he let mi go out wib moi sister buden dun let mi go interview . sot liao . lol , was craving tuh go go daiso tuh get moi xiao mantou . lol . was addicted tuh it . travel all de way dere just because of dat , haha . but i oso happy luh . went tuh pets lovers tuh get some snacks/treats fer qiqi . hope she will guai guai at home wait fer us come baq uh . she is damn damn clever , wheneva she c we change clothes , she will be de veri first standing at de door waiting . lol . buden cant bring her go na . if i am driving i will surely bring her along . lol . hao ba , qiqi gib mi 1 year ok , i will get moi car lisence . lol . after dat went tuh amk hub , now moi sister turn tuh crave fer her baked potato . lol . went tuh get her baked potato den i went oldchangkee tuh buy moi chicken wings , lol . moi first meal , is jus a chicken wing . after dat took bus home , again is going tuh rain rain rain !!!!

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