Sunday, February 22, 2009

weets , finally be book out today alreadi , hai . waited so long fer him to book out buden he onli can book out for 1 day . sian man . be wib him de time always pass so fast , when i am alone waiting fer him to book out is like years . went tuh ubi driving centre wait fer him tuh finish his prac , den took bus tuh xiaoboy hse tuh meet him tuh the cathay , bought tickets fer de movies , let the right one in . rated 6/10 stars . a vampire love story ? both de actor look like boy !! after dat too cab went home . at downstairs saw qiqi , qiqi met wib some accident , he was stuck at de lift ontside , scare till she urine alreadi , hai . bought her home she dun even hab de strength tuh move at all , give her food and drink she oso dun wan , play wib her she oso dun bother , realli scare mi and moi sister , and is alreadi midnight how tuh go find a vet ? if got oso will be damn ex . slept at 3 plus in de morning , and moi sister stay up tuh look after qiqi , earli next morning took cab bought her to de nearest vet shop , and waited damn long ?!?! de doc gave her a jab and she have her medicine too , heng qiqi cooperate wib us . she very guai finish all her medicine . after a few hours of rest finally she is back herself . we love her so so so much , even baby oso worry fer her . qiqi , c so many ppl love u . (=

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