Sunday, February 22, 2009

weets , finally be book out today alreadi , hai . waited so long fer him to book out buden he onli can book out for 1 day . sian man . be wib him de time always pass so fast , when i am alone waiting fer him to book out is like years . went tuh ubi driving centre wait fer him tuh finish his prac , den took bus tuh xiaoboy hse tuh meet him tuh the cathay , bought tickets fer de movies , let the right one in . rated 6/10 stars . a vampire love story ? both de actor look like boy !! after dat too cab went home . at downstairs saw qiqi , qiqi met wib some accident , he was stuck at de lift ontside , scare till she urine alreadi , hai . bought her home she dun even hab de strength tuh move at all , give her food and drink she oso dun wan , play wib her she oso dun bother , realli scare mi and moi sister , and is alreadi midnight how tuh go find a vet ? if got oso will be damn ex . slept at 3 plus in de morning , and moi sister stay up tuh look after qiqi , earli next morning took cab bought her to de nearest vet shop , and waited damn long ?!?! de doc gave her a jab and she have her medicine too , heng qiqi cooperate wib us . she very guai finish all her medicine . after a few hours of rest finally she is back herself . we love her so so so much , even baby oso worry fer her . qiqi , c so many ppl love u . (=

Friday, February 20, 2009

last min went tuh cinelrisure k box wib moi both sis and her bf . reach dere at 11pm and sang all de way till morning 6am . was realli tired man . lol .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

i am freaking bored . maybe maybe maybe i will be going kbox wib moi sister later on . (=


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

lalalas . is 5am in da morning alreadi . i jus play finish moi dota , seriously i cant get tuh sleep alhough i am tired , i dunno y . baby is sleeping so soundly in camp and i am damn damn bored . i miss u so so so much !!! hope friday faster come and u faster book out . so i can everyday c u play dota till i fall asleep . haha

Saturday, February 14, 2009

baby bought mi all these . (=

this is de cruise we sit .

this is de senery out from out sit

she knows when i am going out . lol

HAPPY VALENTINES TO MOI HUBBY and all moi beloved friends . baby went fer bike prac in de morning . after dat went tuh meet hubby at marina square and hua and kelly . we are going fer our valentines cruise . so excited . met kelly go walk walk while dear and ger hubby when smoke smoke . went tuh walk around and they all so so so slow . so me and ger walk to pan pacific hotel tuh wait fer them and de shuttle bus to fetch us to marina south pier . they went smoking so long because dear went tuh get de flowers from min which he reserve , while hua went tuh buy kelly flowers too . and dat damn bus make us waited damn long ,, say come at 5.30 , 6 so haben c de bus , ended up we took cab dere , is like so funny , ger they all got car neber drive dere ended up taking cab , so stupid lo . board to cruise at 6.45pm i guess , were late fer 15mins , x= thanks to de bus la . and de whole journey is damn giddy can ? and we get de sea songs of de sea at sentosa at our cruise . is fun ! after dat went tuh suntec to meet xiaoboi , min , ahsiong and his gf . suppose tuh watch movie together but ended up onli xiaoboi, min, biao and mi watch . dear wants tuh watch underworld again , buden xiaoboi they all dun wan , so we watch outlander . is a nice movie but underworld is better na . (=

Friday, February 13, 2009

hurhur . today had an interview at tuas buden ended up neber go , too far alreadi . wasting time to go ther x= so met up baobei and min accompany them tuh J and JAS fer their haircut . lol . guess they simply loves their haircuts ah . (= meet up soon again fer our singing session ? at katong ? hhaha . min say ther cheaper . after dat pei baobei go amk hub de ntuc , she wants tuh buy chocolates fer her hubby . haa . den she went tuh photoshop tuh wash some of their pic , baobei went home and i went jurong point tuh find ger , actually wanted tuh DIY de cake and gib baby as our 2 years aniversary present , but ended up they say they have stop taking orders fer DIY cake . sian man . i came all de way from amk tuh make de cake den ended up dun hab , heng ger is ther wib mi too . if not i will die . lol . so we jus bought a normal cake but is oso veri nice de hor . (= ger and i book de chengho dining cruise tmr , on valentines day . hahaha . dear still dunno wher i am bringing him to . he is still prestering mi !! i hope u will be suprised tmr . happy 2 years aniversary moi dear . u will be moi last guy , i promised !!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

tmr will be mi and baby de 2 yrs aniversary lo . time realli flies . haha . after our aniversary will be valentine day . i got a big surprise for u ohh , thought today u will be able to book out but ur sergent say tmr den jiu tmr lo . oso de same na . as long as can c u jiu hao . hmmm .

Monday, February 9, 2009

weets . today baby went back camp alreadi after 1 year plus of mc . hmmmm . i will miss u oh . (= send baby to clementi went tuh vivocity wib moi sis and qiqi , bring her for grooming session . first time she will be cutting her nails . when she reah de place she was shivering , maybe she ish cold or she might be scared . haha . she ish so so so cute can ? (=

Sunday, February 8, 2009

i am a saddist. i kept pinching my sister, rena and scratched her with my LONG fingernails! i want to say sorry to her and hope she would pinch and scratch me back so that i will not feel guilty. ):


Thursday, February 5, 2009

mi and moi 2 sisters new hairstyles (=

today woke up at 8 in de morning , was preparing tuh go moi aunt house tuh reborn moi hair , end up i did digital perm . slowly starts tuh like moi hair too , after dat evening had a dinner at parir ris downtown east . every year went tuh eat de garlsberg dinner but onli this year i can go , cause onli 18 yrs and above can get in . haha . free flow of beer . weets , reach dere at 7pm , so so so mani ppl was invited there too .

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


this is taken and edited by our brother shawn.
let's see how long sheena will find out this.. :X