Friday, October 31, 2008

lalalas . today went cycling wib baby after work . ask mummy to take bus den we cycle to heartland mall . end up we were both loss . lol . took 1 hour tuh cycle there . supposingly we follow de way which 112 walk buden dunno y end up we end up at hg plaza . baby scold mi stupid . was realli tired . and feel so gei gan , lol . got bus dun wan take . went da sao wib moi mama . baby ask moi mum to cycle 1 bicycle den he long bang mi back cause he dun wan tuh lost again . haha . mummy lead de way we 15 min sjiu reach home liao . if again mi and baby cycle back dunno wad time den will reach home lerhs . lol . sorrie be . know u was tired . but today i realise 1 thing . u are veri power . hahahahhaha s

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

i am so hurt . y cant u undertsand . y ish eveything becoming this way

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

baby loves tuh bully moi bear bear . everytime take it go hide den i muz go find .

today woke up quite earli , be called saying lixiang will be late as he cant wake up . lol . baby should get used to it . haha . changed and get moi makeups done , was in love with de dress i bought ytd at central . took bus down tuh geylang . reach dere around 12 plus , slack at ther till around 2 plus , had lunch wib baby and his dad . den took cab down tuh bugis . can c de weather ish going tuh rain veri heavily later on . arggh . sad . went tuh bugis street , hopes to get some office wear buden did not manage to find anything i like . so went tuh temple wib baby and pray , de place was damn crowded wib alot of ppl . after dat we went tuh pasar malam beside bugis street didnt realli get tuh walk at dere as de rain ish getting heavier and heavier lorhs . hmmm . baby wanna play kof so went tuh arcade after dat we decided to catch a movie . max payne ish de movie we watch . haha . dun realli know wad it means after it ends , -.-

this few days baby realli changed alot alot . not to bad but to veri good . lol . baby u say u will cherish mi de ohh . muz keep ur promise . i love eu

Monday, October 27, 2008

now i realise something . lesser and lesser ppl update blog alreadi . lol


this ish de effect of using self timer . LOL


along little india road !!

kellys bag , limited edition ohh . (=

sho many things inside , dunno how she find her stuffs .

take without moi notice , arggh !

de senery ish veri nice but cant really c from this pic .

kellys n95 and sheenas n95 . ((=

baby wan bring mi along buden i dun wanna tag along with him . cause he working den i go dere ish like sho extra . arggh . so i went home after sending him to bus stop , baby say i have change , change to more better and more understanding le lo . hahas , i am sho happie . went home to play viwawa . finally moi sushido up level le . since so long i am stuck at de previous lvl . mum bought cheesecakes at secret recipe , cost abt 40 bucks . sho expensive and now i know secret recipe do sell cheesecakes and it taste realli veri nice . lol . went tuh prepare was going tuh kelly workplace and find her cause we will be going mustafa after her work . lol . will be alot of indians cause tmr ish their festival . she ish going tuh get a mp3 but i think she ish wasting money also , haha . use awhile sure throw aside liaos , she ish used to being in this way x= reach her shop put moi stuffs den went tuh dabao our dinner , after bought a dress opp her shop onli at 10 bucks and de dress ish realli veri pretty . cam whore and try lots of shoe at her shop till she close her shop at 10 . train down tuh mustafa , realli alot of indians . omg . !! de smell ish like .... we thought we were at mustafa all along till we c de link pointing dat side tuh mustafa and we realise we are at serangoon plaza -.- no wonder dere isn't much ppl . reach mustafa bought a few smacks , got her mp3 player and took cab home . reach home at 14 bucks , ger reach home at 29 bucks . double moi fare man . haha .

Sunday, October 26, 2008

lalalas .. grab this in jinping blog . cool leis . LOL